
How To Set Textra As Default Messaging App On Samsung Gear S3

  1. caverman

    Thread Starter

    I just downloaded Textra to use as my SMS app. For whatever reason it's not my default SMS. In other words, when someone sends me a text it opens up with Contact+. If I open up the stock Messaging icon that came with my Samsung S3 I can see the texts. If I open up Textra I can only see the texts that were in my history at the time of install. Nothing new shows up there even if I send out a text using Textra.

    Anyone know what I can do to make Texta my default SMS app?

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  2. Have you tried going to the s3 Messenger app in Application Manager and "clear defaults"? (Dont disable it) :thumbup:
    Ive never used textra but have a good look at its app description and settings for how to make it default
  3. caverman

    Thread Starter

    Good idea.

    Went to the app manager and looked at Contacts+ (that's what it looks like it's trying to open each time I receive a text) but the "clear defaults" button was grayed out. No defaults assigned.

    Tried looking for the stock Messaging app but it's not listed in the app manager.

    I checked Textra as well and it is set with no defaults either. The "clear defaults" is grayed out with it as well. It says "No defaults set" under the "Launch by default" section.

  4. caverman

    Thread Starter

    Just uninstalled and reinstalled. No luck. I tried restarting the phone as well.

    Sure would like to get this working because I really like the way you can delete messages inside the Text. None of the other SMS apps seem to do that.

  5. In Application Manager, scroll across to the "All" tab then look for Messenger. The first tab only shows the apps youve downloaded :thumbup:
  6. caverman

    Thread Starter

    Cool. Learned something there.

    However, went to the Messaging app and it show no defaults either. The clear defaults button is grayed out.

  7. cool lol. Hmm i dont know then man. Any 3rd party sms app ive used has just worked and the only initial problems ive had is double-notifications. You should send the dev' an email :thumbup:
  8. caverman

    Thread Starter

    Well.....I guess I fixed it. I uninstalled Contacts+ and then Textra started working. I might test out adding Contacts+ later but I like/need Textra more than Contacts+.

    Thanks for the help though.

  9. RAFAELbey

    Ok I got the solution. Select Messagin app from menu and drag on top to go to App Info. Then click Clear Default button. Once you do that, Open Textra and at the bottom there is an option 'Set as Default' or something. Click that and you're good to go. If you open the Messaging app, click cancel on the dialog box and you can use it as a secondary app. Enjoy XD
  10. WayneGGGGG

    2 years later and this is still a problem.
    Bought a brand new Oppo 9s Plus with Marshmallow. Top of the line etc.
    I hunted for about 30 minutes and did quite a bit of reading and found where to change the default applications.
    so far so good...
    There are a couple of locations but every time I make the change to the default, after one sms Marshmallow changes it back to the stock messaging app with the following message...
    "For you messages security, System messae app has been set as the default message app."
    Without Textra the stock messaging app cannot do something as simple as sending group sms. It is supposed to but you have to manually go in and unselect all the land line phone numbers. This is something that Textra can do in settings.
    Any ideas would be appreciated...

    To other way to change default..
    ->Additional Settings
    ->Application Management
    ->Bottom of the screen "Default App Management"
    ->Messages (change from system default to Textra)
    ->pop up message "Change Messages" with message about this starting war or something
    (good all changed) Textra is now the default... Woo Hoo... Or so I thought

    ps I have been using Nougat for the last month before buying this phone... It is wonderful. Cannot wait for the update to Oppo phones.

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How To Set Textra As Default Messaging App On Samsung Gear S3


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