
The Power Of Writing It Down

The Power
of Writing
It Down

You have something totally unique and immensely valuable to offer the world—and writing can help you unlock it. The problem is you've been sold the lie that you are not a writer. Finally, a book that proves you wrong.


About the book

Writing down your story is one of the most powerful tools you have at our disposal to see your life with clarity and become the most empowered version of you. So why is it so hard to consider yourself a writer? Where did you get the idea that, in order to write, you needed a publishing contract, a degree from a fancy university, or a cabin in the woods? Why is writing something you long to do but you don't give yourself permission?

In The Power of Writing it Down award-winning author and acclaimed writing coach Allison Fallon refutes your long-held ideas of what it takes to be a "real" writer. She teaches a simple breakthrough strategy literally anyone can use to see the miracle buried in their life and understand how remarkable they've always been.

Imagine a world where you never again questioned if your life had value and purpose. That world is within your reach and writing can help you get there.

Learn how to use writing to…

  • Understand your life
  • Access your intuition and make big choices
  • Overcome the blocks that are getting in the your way
  • Feel more empowered to make changes
  • Heal from past pain and trauma
  • Relieve anxiety and depression
  • Contextualize life's setbacks and minor frustrations
  • Live a more confident, balanced, and healthy life
  • …and so much more

Don't waste another year wondering what your life means or how much it matters. Join the hundreds of thousands who have already started to uncover deep meaning and purpose in their lives though the amazing power of writing it down.

Get Chapter 1 for Free

I hope these first few pages of The Power of Writing It Down inspire you to share your story.

To jumpstart your writing journey –– and hold you over until your pre-ordered copy arrives –– I'm giving you early access to the first chapter of my new book, The Power of Writing it Down.

–– Allison Fallon, author and founder of Find Your Voice

Author Bio

Allison Fallon is an author, speaker, and founder of Find Your Voice, a company dedicated to training and inspiring anyone who wants to use writing for transformation. In addition to her books Packing Light and Indestructible, she has helped leaders of multinational corporations, stay-at-home moms, Olympic gold medalists, recovering addicts, political figures, CEOs, and prison inmates use the Find Your Voice method as a powerful tool to generate positive change in their lives. She has lived all over the country in the past decade but now lives in Pasadena, California, with her husband and daughter. See the latest at

Author Bio

Allison Fallon is an author, speaker, and founder of Find Your Voice, a company dedicated to training and inspiring anyone who wants to use writing for transformation. In addition to her books Packing Light and Indestructible, she has helped leaders of multinational corporations, stay-at-home moms, Olympic gold medalists, recovering addicts, political figures, CEOs, and prison inmates use the Find Your Voice method as a powerful tool to generate positive change in their lives. She has lived all over the country in the past decade but now lives in Pasadena, California, with her husband and daughter. See the latest at


The Power Of Writing It Down


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