
What Is Listed In The Workday App

Workday Extend

Discover the power of Workday Extend apps.

Increase employee and supplier engagement. Consolidate performance and compensation experiences. Optimize existing pay and reimbursement processes. Workday Extend allows you to build unique apps that run within your existing Workday applications.

Browse stories.

Sales Opportunity Tracker


Annual Compensation Review


Supplier Managed Requisitions


Education Assistance


Tallahassee Early Alert Management System


Vaccine Management


Customer: Accuride

Name of app: Sales Opportunity Tracker

Workday application: Financial Management, Prism Analytics

Non-Workday application: PLEX

App category: Streamline Processes, Consolidate Experiences

Why Workday Extend

Accuride's sales teams saw inconsistencies in data across their legacy CRM provider, echoing a growing need for system consolidation. Accuride's recent purchase of Workday Prism Analytics offered an opportunity for global teams to harmonize all applications under Workday Extend.

App Built

The Sales Opportunity Tracking app enables sales teams to manage their sales opportunity pipeline within Workday, quickly adding or updating opportunities directly from their mobile devices. In addition, the app shows dashboards for sales leaders to view details and analytics within their respective pipelines.

The app leverages Workday Prism Analytics to integrate with PLEX for product catalog pricing and customer details.

Benefits Realized

With Workday Extend, sales teams can accurately and quickly track opportunities with simplified screens on their mobile devices. After entering a few bits of critical information, they have access to a tailored view of sales data on the go. Over time, Accuride plans to tie this functionality to its Workday Adaptive Plannning offering for major benefits in forecasting.

Customer:Blue Cross and Blue Shield of North Carolina (Blue Cross NC)

Name of app:Annual Compensation Review – Decision Guide

Workday application: Human Capital Management

App category: Employee Experience

Why Workday Extend

Blue Cross NC wanted to improve its performance review process as it moved from a rating to a non-rating system. The process consists of a formal annual evaluation that includes a salary adjustment (merit) and annual incentive awards. In the past, managers relied on a custom external solution with a decision guide to determine awards. But there was no reporting on usage, it lacked visibility for leaders, and snapshots of data were moved to and from Workday. They also wanted to leverage more of the Workday platform.

App Built

Using Workday Extend, the HRIT team, with help from a deployment partner, built the Annual Compensation Review―Decision Guide app. Now managers can follow a decision tree linked directly to the annual compensation grid in Workday.

Benefits Realized

Blue Cross NC is an early customer of Workday Extend, immediately recognizing the opportunity to take its existing solution and pull it into Workday. Not only has it eliminated the need for a separate system, but it's also created a more consistent process so all managers are adjusting compensation and bonuses based on the same factors. And the manager experience is streamlined with the ability to view all employee adjustments in the compensation grid.

Because the app is fully integrated with Workday, managers no longer have to look up data to make consistent, equitable decisions. Leaders have immediate visibility into a manager's decisions, what guidance they were given, and the amounts awarded to understand the justification for the award, all without exporting the data to multiple spreadsheets.

The HRIT team has also become more self-sufficient, creating additional apps that check for COVID-19 symptoms and expand total rewards using Workday Prism Analytics.

Customer: IBM

Name of app: Payslips

Workday application: Human Capital Management

App category: Employee Experience

Why Workday Extend

With the use of multiple payroll vendors in multiple countries, it was inevitable that IBM found itself using multiple delivery platforms—some quite antiquated—to provide payslips to its employees worldwide.

The IBM Workday Services Team recommended Workday Extend to allow IBM to leverage data, along with Workday Human Capital Management (HCM) capabilities, to create consistency for users through a single Workday system.

App Built

The Payslip app, built by IBM Workday Service Partner Consultants, integrates Workday HCM with user browser session data. A click of the app enables a connection to third-party and IBM cloud APIs that render a listing of available payslips back to the user in real time. A table displays period by period comparisons of net earnings by date, with deep links that reach out to the third-party APIs to retrieve an employee's detailed payslips. It currently serves approximately 80% of the IBM population, with the other 20% soon to follow.

Benefits Realized

With Workday Extend, IBM developed a Payslip app that eliminates the need for numerous intermediate pay statement repositories, reduces data exposure risk, eradicates contending with email server delays, and dramatically enhances the employee experience. Employees access Payslips on-demand across all devices including desktop, tablet, and smartphone in just 2 simple clicks. With instant access to current and older pay statements, employees no longer need to "save" copies of their pay statements. Requests for reissues are minimal, and the need for legacy delivery of payroll statements—which were often dependent on 20-year-old email infrastructures—no longer exists.

Customer: Netflix

Name of app: Supplier Managed Requisitions

Workday application: Financial Management

App category: Streamline Processes

Why Workday Extend

Netflix selected Workday Extend to drive innovation with Workday and better support business needs. The company recognized the benefits in leveraging a workflow engine and notification framework within a single UI. Workday Extend allows Netflix to enhance, extend, and replace existing Workday capabilities while simplifying its IT infrastructure.

App Built

The Supplier Managed Requisitions app creates an external supplier PO request extension on top of the existing Workday supplier portal. The extension has automated the majority of supplier PO requests and was developed in about 8 to 10 weeks.

Benefits Realized

With Workday Extend, Netflix simplified the management of separate infrastructure and applications environments in Google Docs, Excel, and integrations. With an entire team dedicated to the support and development of Workday technology, Netflix now has consistent tools for security and process management, helping to accelerate development at scale while eliminating the need for regression testing.

Netflix automated numerous key areas in the external supplier PO request process and removed the reconciliation process between Google Docs and spreadsheets. The company also eliminated numerous emails between suppliers and internal stakeholders, improving scalability in its finance operations.

With Workday Extend, Netflix can process supplier PO requests, invoices, and financial commitments more quickly, and employees no longer rely on spreadsheets as data sources. As a result, Netflix has improved the speed and accuracy of accrual bookings.

Customer: Sun Life

Name of app: Education Assistance

Workday application: Human Capital Management

App category: Streamline Processes

Why Workday Extend

Sun Life chose Workday Extend to explore a more complete technology stack to automate manual processes and enrich employee experiences. The first project selected was a replacement of the existing solution for Education Assistance, as functionality was severely limited due to missing features from the previous reimbursement system. Including these became critical for the business to move forward.

App Built

The Education Assistance app allows employees in Canada, the U.S., and Bermuda to request tuition reimbursement for training courses prior to registering. An employee can add important contextual information to the request, and the application uses custom business processes to control approvals. Once a course is completed, a Proof of Pass can be added to the employee's profile.

This app streamlines the employee experience with the ability to add multiple courses to one request, report on them individually, and automate the Proof of Pass process. The app is also available in French.

Benefits Realized

Having access to all the tuition reimbursement request data allows the Talent Development team to set targeted condition rules on the approval process. These rules have reduced the team's required effort by 98%, as only the requests requiring their approval are routed to them.

The HR Services team no longer manually updates and tracks requests on a spreadsheet. Requests are now automatically tracked, freeing up the team's time to focus on employees' talent development experience.

The employee experience has improved by providing employees with a clear, easy-to-follow form to complete. Over time, even more benefits are expected as greater access to data facilitates better reporting.

Customer: Tallahassee Community College (TCC)

Name of app: Tallahassee Early Alert Management System (TEAMS)

Workday application: Human Capital Management, Student

Non-Workday Application: TeamDynamix, Legacy SIS

App category: Streamline Processes, Consolidate Experiences

Why Workday Extend

Workday Extend provides Tallahassee Community College (TCC) with the ability to develop apps that build upon the strengths of various systems and seamlessly delivers those apps to users within Workday. To users, it appears as if they are simply in another component of Workday—an application that they are already familiar with and in the habit of using.

App Built

The Tallahassee Early Alert Management System (TEAMS) app allows instructors to record student contacts and referrals when intervention is needed to support the student's success in a specific class.

When a student is behaving in a way that may negatively impact their grade, the instructor first contacts the student directly. If progress is not made, the instructor can refer the student to an advisor for additional support. At that point, a ticket is generated in the ticketing system used by advisors, which includes a history of prior communication with the student. All subsequent communication between the advisor and student in the ticketing systems can be retrieved through the TEAMS app, keeping both the instructor and the college administration in the loop.

Benefits Realized

Student success is a top priority at TCC. The TEAMS app, made possible through the use of Workday Extend, has helped to quickly identify students in need of additional support and to provide those students with the resources they need to successfully meet their academic goals. This leads to higher retention rates, which benefits both the student and the institution as a whole.

Because the app seamlessly flows data between the systems used by instructors and advisors, faculty can work together to help students succeed, rather than handing off students to another person. Also, it allows administrators to have oversight of the coordinated efforts that support student success.

Customer: University of Pennsylvania

Name of app:Vaccine Management

Workday application: Human Capital Management

App category:Employee Experience

Why Workday Extend

For more than a year, most university faculty and staff had been working off campus due to COVID-19. With the availability of vaccines and a return to campus ahead, the university needed a way to track vaccination status for the new academic year. Since Workday is the system of record at the university, the leadership team wanted the ability to easily capture and secure vaccine information in Workday.

App Built

Vaccine Management is the first app built by the university's central IT team using Workday Extend. It offers faculty and staff a self-service process to upload COVID-19 vaccine information, such as immunization and eventual booster shot records. The app appears as a new task natively within the Workday interface on both desktop and mobile. Employees can easily and securely upload their information while viewing consistent privacy and legal terms. Built with flexibility in mind, the app also supports contingent workers, staff who received vaccines internationally, additional vaccine manufacturers, and doses received.

Benefits Realized

With Workday Extend, the university can now efficiently capture and track vaccine status across its faculty and staff in a central location. This gives the leadership team the data needed to respond to any future changes. Because the app is seamlessly integrated within the Workday interface, user adoption has been high. In the first week of usage, thousands of faculty and staff successfully used the app in Workday. The app was developed, tested, and deployed within 30 days by a single developer using resources available in the Workday Extend developer portal, including the app catalog and Workday Community. Moving forward, the university is exploring how it can use Workday Extend to optimize existing processes in other areas, such as reviewing departmental compensation changes, providing adoption benefits, automating security change/compliance requests, and integrating with Workday Learning for faculty and students.

Discover the benefits of Workday Extend.

What Is Listed In The Workday App


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